Why Google Search Console Results are Different from Moz Dashboard

Why Google Search Console Results are Different from Moz Dashboard

Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard are two popular SEO tools that provide website owners with insights into their website’s performance in search results. However, you may notice that the results from these two tools can sometimes be different. There are a few reasons for this.

Different data sources

Google Search Console uses data from Google Search, while Moz Dashboard uses a variety of data sources, including its own proprietary data. This means that the two tools may be tracking different sets of keywords and backlinks.

For example, Google Search Console may show you that your website is ranking for a particular keyword, but Moz Dashboard may not track that keyword at all. Or, Moz Dashboard may show you that your website has a backlink from a particular website, but Google Search Console may not have indexed that backlink yet.

Different algorithms

Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard use different algorithms to generate their results. This means that the two tools may weigh different factors differently when calculating their rankings.

For example, Google Search Console may give more weight to on-page factors like keyword density and title tag optimization, while Moz Dashboard may give more weight to off-page factors like backlinks and domain authority.


Google Search Console data is updated more frequently than Moz Dashboard data. This means that Google Search Console may be showing you more up-to-date information about your website’s performance.

For example, if you publish a new blog post and it starts ranking quickly in Google Search, Google Search Console may show you that the post is ranking, even if Moz Dashboard hasn’t had a chance to index it yet.

Why to use Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard together:

  • Use Google Search Console to track your website’s performance in Google Search. This includes things like your website’s impressions, clicks, and ranking positions.
  • Use Moz Dashboard to track your website’s SEO performance. This includes things like your website’s domain authority, backlinks, and keyword rankings.
  • Cross-check your results from Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard. This will help you to identify any discrepancies.
  • Use the data from Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard to improve your SEO. For example, if you see that your website is not ranking well for a particular keyword, you can try to optimize your website for that keyword. Or, if you see that you have a lot of low-quality backlinks, you can try to disavow those backlinks.

How to use Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard together

Even though Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard may produce different results, they can both be valuable tools for SEO. You can use the two tools together to get a more complete picture of your website’s SEO performance and identify areas where you can improve.

For example, you can use Google Search Console to track your website’s rankings and traffic, while you can use Moz Dashboard to track your website’s backlinks and domain authority. You can also use the two tools to cross-check your results and identify any discrepancies.

If you see that your website is ranking well for certain keywords in Google Search Console, but those keywords are not tracked by Moz Dashboard, then you know that you need to start tracking those keywords in Moz Dashboard.

Or, if you see that Moz Dashboard is showing you a backlink from a particular website, but Google Search Console has not indexed that backlink yet, then you can reach out to the website owner and ask them to resubmit the link.


By using Google Search Console and Moz Dashboard together, you can get a more complete picture of your website’s SEO performance and identify areas where you can improve.

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